Curriculum Vitae


2015 Children´s Culture Award / Jyväskylä´s Culture Services

Position of Responsibility

  • 1985-1986
    President of Semppa Theatre, Teachers´ College, Kajaani
  • 1992-1998
    Member of the government of Ad*Astra Theatre, Jyväskylä
  • 2007-2009
    Member of the government of UNIMA Finland (international puppet theatre organization)


  • Since 2017, my surname has been Willebrandt. During Teatteri Capelle´s time, I was Lehtoranta.
  • 1982
    Higher school examination, Suolahti High School
  • 1983
    Studies of Recreation, Partaharju College
  • 1988
    Master of the Science of Education, Oulu University /Teachers´ College, Kajaani
  • 1983-2009
    Plenty of theatre courses/ acting, direction, mime, clownery, singing, masks, puppetry, teachers such as
    Acting and direction: Aila Lavaste, Otso Kautto, Jouni Rissanen, Esa Leskinen
    Mime and clownery: Edilberto Monje Mendez, Gino Samil, Michael Hecht, Nola Rae
    Singing: Jukka Saarman, Päivi Virolainen-Kalpio
    Puppetry: Renè Baker, Rainer Kaunisto, Eric de Sarria
    Masks: Thomas Rascher, Nicol-Yvonne Wolf
  • 2001-2003
    Puppetry Education at Pieksämäki Sisälähetysseuran oppilaitos
  • 2005
    Quolification Examination in Theatre Arts/ specialized in puppetry
  • 2005
    Business Education for Creative Sector/ Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences
  • 2010-2013
    Creative Writing, basic studies/ Jyväskylä Open University
  • 2017-2018
    Cambridge Assesment English Certificate B2/ Sutton College, London
  • 2003-2018
    Number of workshops, courses, and seminars for the development of intuition and psychic abilities, studies of mediumship, trance, channeling, trauma releasing and healing in Finland and London. Teachers such as Jukka Hirvonsalo, Anna-Maija Usma, Kirsi Niemelä,
    Ene Viidang, Lynn Cotrell, Antar Shantam, Gary Wright.

Previous Artistic Work